Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What My City Like

For those of you that don’t know, I am a proud graduate of the Notre Dame. However, I am not proud of the fact that I spent 4 years in South Bend, Indiana. For those of you that don’t know, the difference between ND and the neighboring South Bend/Mishawaka/Michiana area is among the most drastic drop-offs in the country. Nowhere else can you go from seeing sold gold-plated buildings to halfway houses literally across the street. It’s like there’s an imaginary country inside of another country, kinda like Italy & Vatican City. Terrible.

However, this kind of up-and-coming slum produces some pretty hilarious hip hop. I still remember in my junior year business class when I received a CD during one of my business classes. There we were talking about independent hustle and they had South Bend’s own “Mo Shine Records” there to talk about their business model. Although every hip-hop savvy person could obviously tell this was nothing more than a front for a drug ring, our professor loved it. Classic disconnect between the older generation and us.

Anyway, allow us to put you onto a gem by Lil Scooter who reps the 574 to the death. He gets on a Jeezy-lite beat and tells you all about his city. Well, the surrounding area outside of ND’s campus. Lil Scooter does manage to name-drop the Fighting Irish, but he rhymes “Notre Dame” with “know to slang” – take that how you want. This is like some gangster hip hop from one of the most awkward places of Indiana. Having lived in the area, this was hilarious to me. Take it how you want.

Bonus: I also included the link to Lil Scooter’s YouTube page filled with other Midwest fuckery. This dude reminds me so much of Troy Ave it’s not even funny. Dude not from the South that tries to spit down south trap music. I included one freestyle that he uses where he mentions "cain flow", soft to hard, Dilla and Preemo in the same rhyme. I had never heard that done before, so I felt need to post it.

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